Camp El-O-Win’s Story


Camp El-O-Win is located in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains at an elevation of 5,500 feet.

1958: 58 acres were given to the Golden Valley Girl Scout Council by the Grimmet Family to build a summer camp for girls.  The camp was developed including the beloved 200’ wooden suspension footbridge connecting the north and south sides of camp over Dinkey Creek.

1959: El-O-Win opened.  In this beautiful mountain setting, thousands of girls have the time of their lives hiking, rock hopping across the stream, horseback riding, swimming, learning to ride a mountain bike or shoot archery and stargazing while roasting s’mores. 

2002: During the winter, the footbridge was damaged and for the next two years the camp was closed.  The footbridge was eventually removed.  

2004: Fearing the current generation would miss out on the benefits of a quality camping experience, a handful of camp-experienced volunteers convinced the Girl Scout Council’s Board that with proper marketing and planning, camping programs could be offered “in the black” and an interest in outdoor program would grow. 

Friends of Camp El-O-Win was incorporated by the State of California, to raise funds to support Camp El-O-Win.  Because only a Girl Scout Council can offer Girl Scout programs, a unique relationship was created when the Council agreed to make Friends of Camp El-O-Win into a Task Group of the Board and charged it with repairing and maintaining the camp property and operating girl program.

2005: Friends of Camp El-O-Win re-opened El-O-Win for weekend camping on the south side of Dinkey Creek.  A rolling five year agreement to operate summer program and maintain the camp was initiated. 

2006: Friends of Camp El-O-Win received its 501(c)3 tax exempt status in June and continued operating summer programs at El-O-Win.  

2007:  After a 6 month escrow, Friends of Camp El-O-Win purchased Camp El-O-Win from the Girl Scouts for $800,000 in August.  Table Mountain Rancheria was instrumental in the fundraising effort.

2014: The new footbridge was built.  Press here to see how this was accomplished.

Mission Statement

To preserve, enhance and promote El-O-Win and its traditions as a safe place where campers discover their abilities, values and talents in a beautiful mountain setting.

Our Vision

Friends of Camp El-O-Win will maintain Camp El-O-Win as a pristine refuge of natural beauty where campers build confidence and character while having adventures that create cherished memories and will remain such for generations to come.