Camp El-O-Win operates today because of people – people who have walked her dusty trails, slept among her trees or felt her spirit speak of the magic each camper experiences. It is people who give of their time, their money and their expertise that keep Camp El-O-Win’s gate open year after year.
Friends of Camp El-O-Win is an IRS approved non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and the donations it receives make a world of difference. All donations to Friends of Camp El-O-Win are tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by the law. Your gift to the camp can be made in many different ways. Whatever way works best for you, please know that you are making an important contribution to the preservation and improvement of Camp El-O-Win!
Monetary Donations
Online Donation: Donate to Camp El-O-Win with VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover using the PayPal Online Donation System Button below.
Donate by Mail: You can make your gift by mail, with checks payable to:
Friends of Camp El-O-Win
6533 N. Bungalow Lane
Fresno, CA 93704
Other Ways to Give
In-kind donation: You can donate your services such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical or items from our Wish List. Click here for our Wish List.
Employer Matching Gifts: Double your gift by sending your employer’s matching gift form along with your gift.
Hold a fundraiser event of your own creation and donate the profits to Camp El-O-Win.
Speak to a group you belong to: Rotary, Lions, PTA, Knitting or quilting clubs. Ask for their support and for their involvement. We have a list of talking points!